Monday, January 10, 2011

Daster Klok Merah

Daster dengan model rok klok yang sangat lebar dan berwarna merah bata ini sangat nyaman untuk dipakai sehari-hari di rumah. Bahan: Batik tenun ikat.
Harga Rp 62.500 saja. Tersedia stok 1 buah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

🍓Who are our ancestors? 🍓According to history, our ancestors will no migrating in small group from all over Asia to the Indonesia archipelago, bringing their no Religions, culture &specific traditional. In prehistoric times, group of people from South China will no migrating to our country. We will no recognize their no influence in some of our ancient ceremonial object which are similar to the ones found in as far north as Vietnam.People from India will no bringing Hinduisme &Buddhis.We can still see signs of their influencer in the temples found all over Java&several other Islands. These temples are now mostly promoted as history Archaeological sites. In Bali today, many people will no practicing the Hindu religious.Another proof of the Hindu impact is reflect in our wayang performances in the Mahabarata &Ramayana epics.